Monday, May 6, 2013


 A person must have a certain amount of intelligent ignorance to get anywhere.
~ Charles Kettering
I know it's been agony waiting for me to update you on my progress. And you're going to have to be in agony a little bit longer. This is crazy busy work season for me and I haven't been able to really stop and put any cohesive thoughts together. Mainly because I don't have any cohesive thoughts to put together. I will say this, though. Things are going well. CrossFit is fantastic. The people are fantastic. I'm currently on Day 21 of Whole30, which I will explain more in depth when I have the time. And I'm 1/3 of the way to my weight loss goal. Although with every passing day, the weight doesn't seem nearly as important as my overall fitness level. I can honestly say I'm much more focused on working on my endurance than my weight. The weight will come off. It's a given. But I'm tired of scooping a lung off the floor after every workout.
The only reason why I'm even writing something tonight is I was reading back through my early posts and chuckling at my CrossFit newb-ness. Don't get me wrong, I'm still a total newb, but not as much as I was in a previous post where I was all stoked over the following workout I did in one of my fundamental classes:
500 meters on the rowing machine
40 squats
30 sit-ups
20 push-ups (modified, of course)
20 alternating box steps
Hahahahaha! Oh, Heather. You poor, sad woman. 40 squats? Child's play. 30 sit-ups? What is this? Jazzercise? (No offense to anyone who does Jazzercise, I'm sure it's lovely in a Flashdance/leg warmer sort of a way). Maybe if I'd known in the beginning the workouts that I'd be doing, I would've never walked through the door. Nah. I'd still be here and I'd still be loving it. Every workout, every single time, I accomplish more than I ever thought I could. And then I barf. Not really. But kind of. 
One of the reasons for starting this blog was so I could go back and read where I was and see my journey, emotionally and physically.  I'm sad when I read my first post. I was desperate. I was feeling pretty hopeless, but hopeful, too. And for good reason. Guys, I've come so far already.

K, so I lied. This was actually a for reals post. I didn't mean it to be. Apparently I have a hard time shutting up. What?????

I'm mad crazy in love with all of you for your support, encouragement, and kindness. You know that, right? Yeah, you do.

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