Friday, January 25, 2013

*Cough* *Sneeze* *Hack*

"There is one consolation in being sick; and that is the possibility that you may recover to a better state than you were ever in before." - Henry David Thoreau

Not much to report this week. I loudly (and somewhat proudly) proclaimed last weekend that I never get sick and then promptly, two days later, on my birthday, woke up sick. No Crossfit for me this week. My Crossfit coach emailed me twice to check up on me. I love that. They don't let you fall through the cracks.

On the bright side, I'm down six pounds. I'm sure some of that is water weight, but still, it's nice to be going down instead of up. I'm not all that concerned about my weight right now, I'm more focused on getting into the routine of working out and eating well. I don't want the scale to dictate my moods or be the deciding factor on what I deem as success or failure. The weight loss will happen just by virtue of my changing my lifestyle. For me the successes will exist in the small things, the choices I make every day. And failure? Not even in my vocabulary. 

With my being so sick this week, I didn't make an appointment with the doctor to talk about meds either. It's all been kind of a wash, but I'm looking forward to getting back to my routine next week. 

And I just want to say thank you to everyone who has messaged me here, on Facebook, via text, email, etc. Some of the messages have come from the most unexpected of places, but all have been sincere, encouraging, and so, so, appreciated. The wealth of my life is truly measured by the quality of the people who are in it. I am a blessed woman. Thank you for your love. You have mine. In bucketfuls. 


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